Ancient grains

Visit Tuscany and enhance sustainability

Ancient grains

Visit Tuscany in luxury and enhance sustainability

Ancient tuscan grains

A combination of health and flavor

Our Organic Ancient Soft Grain Mix is made from a mixture of traditional Tuscan soft grain varieties, including Sieve, Gentil Rosso, Frassineto andInallettabile.registered in the Tuscany Region’s conservation directory.It is a true hymn to agricultural and food biodiversity.
These grains were mixed in a sowing several years ago in order to obtain a crop richer in aroma and flavor, with a high nutritional profile. The mixture is constantly evolving, in the process of adapting better and better to the soil to the specific conditions, including climatic conditions, in which they are grown, sowing after sowing, season after season.
Sustainability and farming in Tuscany, Siena

For a balanced and tasy diet

We have recently begun to cultivate ancient durum wheats, a selection we have chosen, to make pasta with a more balanced ratio of gluten to starch.

This balance, characteristic of all ancient grains, makes them lighter and more digestible. Suitable for those with mild intolerance or gluten sensitivity, the developed sensitivity to gluten due to excessive consumption of modern refined flours.

Sustainable Agriculture and body health
